The Most Essential Skill In Writing That ChatGPT Won’t Tell You

Spoiler alert: it's not learning from others but rather the thing that will keep people relevant for years.

Michael Lincoln
2 min readSep 9, 2024
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

So much attention is given to the wrong things in so many industries.

And when that happens and spreads on the internet, it's that 'attention' that's trains and updates the likes of ChatGPT, LLMS (Large Language Models,) chatbots etc

And when writers seek advice from these chatbots, they have no idea that the usual:

•Write error-free

• Write daily

• Learn from others


Are not the things that writers should first focus on, or at least invest only in.

Rather, they should focus more on their message.

How the message is conveyed leaves as much impact as typos do.

A clear and concise essay is complimented with an error free work. Just as written content that goes out of the subject in an unnecessary way over and over again still leaves a negative impact—regardless of how much typos are there.

This is something that's not widespread, but it's very important.

It's importance is cause when we write, it can be easy to suddenly lose track and start writing on something that's not related—even though it might not look that way at first.

ChatGPT makes this mistake all the time.

I've analyzed hundreds of articles and dozens of AI generated content and I've found that those human written content that are most thoughtful, most captivating; were those ones that never strayed from the topic/subject.

It's this nuance that keeps human content still in demand, inspite of all the things that ChatGPT and AI—at large—can achieve.

And it's those that grasp this concept that will remain relevant in most—if not every—industry that needs writers for years to come.



Michael Lincoln

I'm a ghostwriter. I write about AI and Technology, showing you how you can improve your skills as a writer leveraging AI.